dinsdag 16 november 2010

The four dimensions of culture

In some cultures competitive or questionable negotiation behavior may be more acceptable than in other cultures, also economic conditions can potentially influence the actions individuals are willing to take to protect their self-interests.
In this context, Geert Hofstede introduced the four dimensions of culture:    
-          Power distance
-          Individualism/collectivism
-          Uncertainty avoidance
-          Masculinity/femininity
Power distance refers to the acceptance of differences in power and wealth. This can you notice in how much interaction there is between social classes and it’s also visible in the movement from one social class to another.
Individualist cultures care the most about the rights and needs of themselves. Important here are self-reliance, freedom and individual achievement. Collective cultures are more about family, organization and community.
Uncertainty avoidance refers to how comfortable cultures are with uncertainty and risk. Cultures who aren’t very comfortable with risks and, will make policies, procedures and rules to determine what actions must be taken under certain circumstances.
Finally, masculine cultures will value assertive, aggressive, competitive behavior. Performance and justice will be very important in these cultures. Feminine cultures will value relationships, trust, compassion and quality of life.

I think it’s very important to take a side in each of these matters and stick by your values. Also, in my opinion it’s very important to respect other’s points of view. 

Céline Peeters

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